Feedback: Concurrent & Random

Feedback: Concurrent & Random

The Feedback option under the Academic Management module is laid out for structured and insightful feedback from the students, which makes the mechanism robust regarding assessing the efficacy of teaching and engagement in the classroom. This feature supports concurrent feedback through defined eligibility criteria and random feedback to enable flexibility.

Eligibility Criteria for Rights of Concurrent Feedback

In this set up of concurrent feedback, students must meet these conditions for feedback to be relevant and meaningful:

Completion of Topic

Since the system marks a faculty’s completion of a certain topic, feedback rights actually would be given only after this subject is marked complete. This ensures that students provide feedback based-on well-understood topics lectured.

Presence for Topic Sessions

Students must have been a part of at least one session on the particular topic in order to give informed feedback on the same. Hence accuracy and relevance may be maintained in feedback.

50% attendance criteria

Students who attended 50% of the sessions due regarding the particular topic can give feedback. This criterion assures us that feedback is being sought from the better and participative students.

Random Feedback

One more type of feedback feature that this system provides is that the administrator or the faculty can demand Random Feedback at their discretion. It helps institutions collect spontaneous feedback and thus ensures a continuous quality improvement process.

It provides combined structured criteria for eligibility with flexibility for collecting feedback together in this module, which supports an open and effective feedback mechanism leading to better academic outcomes.