Time Table Management System (Cyborg-TTMS)

Your Time-Table Management Buddy

Time Table Management System (Cyborg-TTMS)

The Timetable Management module within Cyborg ERP enables you to easily organize class schedules, course schedules, teacher schedules, and resource schedules around your institution. It avoids the manual scheduling of complex processes, through automating, making it easier for teachers to use, and empowers administrators to generate and change timetables efficiently.

Key Features for Cyborg-Timetable Management Module

Timetable automatic generation: Automated functionality of the system simplifies even the timetable creation. Automated, accurate and efficient scheduling depending on institutional needs.

Immediate Revision of Schedules: Any changes or updates to the timetable will instantly circulate to the student and the faculty, making them all aligned, informed regarding the schedules.

Easy Management of Substitutions: Let one keep up with smooth sailing in the schedule through effective management of teacher substitutes.

Detailed Reports regarding Workload: To gain better decision making and better optimization of resource usage, generate detailed workload reports to understand the allocation of teacher and class.

The best solution for streamlined scheduling, better communication, and hence operational excellence is the Timetable Management module by Cyborg ERP. Now experience the operation of a much smarter and organized approach to timetable management with our advanced ERP.

Easy Timetable Creation With Cyborg-ERP

  • The simple and intuitive design of Cyborg ERP makes timetable management easy for every school, college, and university. This complete system allows the institutions to generate conflict-free timetable schedules according to very specific requirements of individual students and faculty members.

Special Features Include

Conflict-Free Scheduling

Automatic resolution to conflicts in timetable results in more balanced and efficient schedules.

Real-Time Updates

Real-time updates on different devices inform all concerned about the changes in the schedule.

Multi-Device Accessibility

Our simple user interface allows students, teachers, and administrators to access their timetables through relevant devices, be it smartphones, tablets, or other platforms.

Advantages Of Cyborg ERP In Timetable Management

  • Effortless Scheduling: Automatically create timetables through an almost automatic generation model according to guidelines set by the institute, thus allowing a focus on core educational activity through administrators and teachers.
  • Elimination of Conflicts: Conflicts can be avoided, thus ensuring that students and teachers gain maximum utilization of their time without skipping important classes and other events.
  • Simple Schedule Access: Access to schedules is easy for students, teachers, and parents on a central platform.
  • Saves Time: Scheduling and other administrative routine jobs could be automated for saving time and coming back into teaching, learning, and developing the institution.
  • Increased Productivity: Better schedules, well-organized and optimized, increase both student and faculty productivity through better time management and resource allocation.

Cyborg - Time Table Management Module’s Services

Cyborg ERP brings forth innovative academic scheduling for educational institutions through the Time Table Management Module. This advanced suite of tools simplifies, automates, and optimizes the timetable creation process. This module ensures sound resource allocation, institutional policy adherence, and teacher preference compliance. The features and services of this module have been discussed further under each relevant subheading

Plan Creation and Allocation

  • Creation of plans:
  • Design a detailed and specialized scheduling plan conforming with the needs of the institution in terms of its academics and administration.
  • Structuring all working days and periods: this includes time period duration.
  • Plan Naming:
  • Name all plans with unique but descriptive identifiers to easily identify and manage many schedules.
  • Plan Days:
  • Specify the applicable number of working days in a plan adapting to different academic calendars and institutional requirements.
  • Number of Periods and Duration:
  • Number of periods in a day with its duration to create flexible schedules.
  • Assign Plan to Course:
  • Campaign Define distinct timetable plans to courses, batches, or departments for clarity and accuracy.

Allocation of Subjects and Teachers

Assign Music to Teachers:

Allocate subjects to faculty members depending on their area of expertise.

Load Setting for Different Designations:

Teacher Loads to position guids and ensure equal distribution according to institutional standards.

Setting Strength:

Set limits for the maximum number of students in classes for a conducive learning atmosphere and student-teacher ratio.

Priority for Subjects:

From all these subjects, prioritization will be done based on difficulty levels, institutional objectives, or academic importance for a balanced timetable.

Advanced Features For Scheduling

Split and Joint Class Configurations:

  • Set up for bi-split classes to enable small group discussion and/or practical classes.
  • Plan joint classes for larger groups against the number of students required and subject requirements.

Consecutive/Double Period Allocation:

  • Allot double or continuous periods to certain subjects, practical, or even activities that need extended attention.

Uniform Period Allocation:

  • Same weekly distribution of periods avoiding schedule unevenness.

Conflict Resolution and Customization

Auto Conflict Handling

 Automatically detect and resolve scheduling conflicts involving teachers, classrooms, or other resources.

Amendments and Updates

Amend generated schedules without disturbing others so that operations may proceed as usual. Teacher Replacement Replace teachers in the timetable in a seamless manner in the event of leave or any other reason, without impacting the schedules. 

Daily Substitution Preparation

Prepare a daily substitute timetable for managing teacher absence cases so as to ensure classes continue without 

Exemption from Substitution 

Exemption from substitution: To exempt certain teachers from substitution according to the policy of the institution.

Day and Period-Specific Settings

No Repetition Setting

Disallow repetition of the same subject between first period and last period of the day, promoting an even spread of learning over time.

Lunch Period Settings 

Prohibit certain subjects or activities pre or post lunch to optimize attention and productive use of time.

Half-Day and Saturday Off Settings

Prescribe ad hoc flexible schedules for half-day or Saturday offs as per the institution's preference.

Particular Day Setting

Tailor the timetable at any given day in line with the institution events, special lectures, or workshops.

Real-Time Adjustments and Alerts

E-Alerts for Substitute Teachers

 Automated notification to substitute teachers.

Track Absentee Instructors 

Monitor time recording and changes in scheduling for absent instructors.

Transfer and Addition of Teachers

Seamless addition or transfer of a faculty member without disturbing the schedules.

Comprehensive Timetable Generation

The Comprehensive Timetable Generation feature of Cyborg ERP provides educational institutions with the ability to build organized and effective schedules according to the needs of class and faculty. It is a versatile solution to cater to needs and priorities of academic institutions by providing flexibility and timely and construction tolerance. Here is the detailed explanation:

(a) Class-wise and Faculty-wise Timetable

Class-wise Schedules:

  • Generate individual timetables for different classes, thereby assigning subjects, teachers, and classroom resources to them aptly.
  • The system will take into account factors like strength of students, subjects prioritization as well as the availability of resources in order to optimally make the schedules fairly learning oriented.
  • Classes are aligned concerning the policy of the institution, such as a uniform distribution of core and elective subjects during the week or needs for time slots for scheduled practical.

Faculty-wise Timetables:

  • Individual linear timetable for faculty members, thereby taking subject expertise, work capacity, and preferences into consideration.
  • Cross-reference between the availability of teachers with classes to avoid bets if overlap or conflict occurs.
  • Particularly duties such as substitute teaching, extracurricular activities, or administrative duties are included in faculty timetables.

Integration between Class and Faculty Schedules:

The smooth functioning of academic operations would be assured. For instance, a teacher assigned to multiple batches will have all their time slots in sync concerning all assigned classes.

(b) Manual and Automated Timetable Creation-

Automatically Creating a Timetable:

  • Automatically generate timetables course-wise, year-wise or semester-wise as per defined rules and constraints.
  • The system considers various things like teacher availability, classroom capacity, subject requirements, etc., which enables production of conflict-free schedules in record times.
  • This automation saves time and reduces the probability of errors in producing a timetable making it very effective for institutions with large student and faculty numbers.

Manual Overrides for Flexibility:

  • Robustly automated procedures allow administrators to adjust schedules manually whenever the real needs or unforeseen exigencies dictate it.
  • For example, there might be cases of teacher substitutions or changes in strength of classes, or even special events such as workshops or guest lectures that merit some adjustments in schedule.
  • This makes the timetable a living instrument that is sensitive to the changing institutional needs in real time.

(c) Assign Subjects and Teachers

Precise Allocation of Subjects to Teachers:

Subjects are assigned to teachers based on their expertise, qualifications, and workload preferences. This ensures that students receive quality instruction tailored to the subject matter. Using such a system, custom rules can be implemented, e.g., senior faculty will teach advanced subjects or have an assignment that is specific to a teacher for some elective courses or classes.

Scheduling Specific Periods:

Mapping subjects to periods is how you enable scheduling of classes at certain times in relation to how much difficult the subject is or how long. For example, classes like mathematics and physics could be held during the first hours of the day because during that time students probably have a sharper mind to absorb the material compared to afternoon classes when sports, arts, and the like should be scheduled and take place.

Synchronization of Resources:

Allocation of subjects and teachers also gets them along with resource availability like laboratories and special classrooms, stating that the event happens seamlessly. An example will be a science lecture that requires a lab when scheduled during a period with free lab access, avoiding resource conflicts.

Support for Competency-Based Flexible Timetable in Medical Courses

Cyborg ERP’s Time Table Management Module is unique in managing emerging demands in medical education, specifically to Competency Based Assessment (CBA) as well as Flexible Timetable. This unique feature allows medical institutions to align their academic calendar with their competency-based curriculum frameworks as directed by organizations like National Medical Commission (NMC) or other regulatory bodies. The following are the main features of this function: 

Flexible Scheduling for Competency-Based Learning (CBL)

Specific Timetable Creation for Competency Modules: 

  • Flexible timetable around some specific competency modules so that students can get the required hands-on training, and then theoretical knowledge in that structure.
  • For instance, timetables would have slots clearly demarcated for clinical rotations, case-based learning and topics from interdisciplinary subjects.

Dynamic Resource Allocation:

  • Dynamic allocation of classrooms, laboratories, and hospital wards will be done as per the requirement by each competency module.
  • With this flexibility, institutions can arrange resources for small-group discussions, skill-based training, or bedside teaching. 

Integration of Theory and Practical Sessions:

  • The module secures a ‘theoretical lectures-practical sessions’ balance under CBA guidelines.
  • Through this, institutions assign faculty and students for a portion of time that has the facility of integrated teaching, where theoretical knowledge is immediately applied in practical settings.

Classrooms and Resource Management

Through the Classroom and Resource Management features of Cyborg ERP’s Time Table Management Module, physical spaces and educational resources can be optimally invoked. Flexibility and precision with which institutions may wish to attain rather specific academic targets within a harmonized learning environment is what this system has to offer. The following features would give better insight into these core functionalities:

Area and Subject Specification

Prioritize Major/Minor Area:

  • Institutions are likely to identify courses as major (core) and minor (elective or supplementary). It is the administrator’s discretion while scheduling using this feature to determine those priorities.
  • In this way, core subjects like Mathematics or Science may be assigned preferred time slots and dedicated spaces such as laboratories or specialized classrooms, while minor or elective subjects may be scheduled in generic rooms.
  • This enables an institution to maintain academic rigor for important areas while providing access to a wide diversity of educational needs. 

Subject Category Classification for Customization:

  • It is a provision or feature that allows an administrator to create subject classifications or categories based on difficulty level, practical requirements, or even importance to the institution.
  • With such classification, there is the grouping of more similar subjects together for a combined class, longer periods are provided for practical sessions, and teachers with that kind of qualification are assigned to the relevant subjects.

Resource entry:

Classroom allocation:

Manage allocation of classrooms by mapping specific rooms to courses, subjects, or teachers’ needs. Ensure that classes are held in appropriately fitted spaces (for example, audio-visual rooms for presentations or labs for hands-on practice). 

Laboratories and Facilities: Specialized Allocate resources, such as science labs, computer labs, or art studios, specifically to classes based on their technical requirements & capacity. This feature will secure the booking slots from overlapping, and thus, the students would be available to make use of the equipment essential for the productive experience.

Equipment and Teaching Aids: Track and allocate materials related to teaching aid, such as projectors, whiteboards, and others. Institutions can also manage the availability of shared resources such as computers, microscopes, sports gear, etc. so that these resources are well distributed across different classes or activities.

Daily Class activity recorder

Class Progress Tracking:

Capture events from daily activities of the class in one log that specifies the different topics discussed, practical demonstrations organized, or group discussions conducted.

This will serve as a real-time commonly accused track for learners’ academic performance aligned to the curriculum.

Teacher Input and Review:

Teachers can input daily updates on lesson plans, student attendance, or assigned homework, creating a transparent and trackable system. Administrators can review these logs to monitor teacher performance and ensure that classes are conducted as per schedule. 

Improved Reporting and Feedback:

  • Activity recorders with some capacity will allow for the creation of detailed reports with which teaching efficiency, resources utilized, and student engagement can be gauged. 
  • Such reports are then beneficial for conducting performance evaluations, curriculum changes, and constructive feedback to be provided to the faculty.

Integration into Learning Management Systems:

An institution can link this to the LMS to synchronize its daily activities to the e-learning platform. In this way, one could access recorded lectures, uploaded assignments, or digital attendance records for both teachers and students.

By creating such effective Area and Subject Specification, Resource Allocation, and Daily Activity Recorder, the module will ensure that an institution can manage all its physical and intellectual resources efficiently. It supports a balanced and structured environment where every class and activity is done with all added efficiency at its best.