Faculty Performance

Faculty Performance

Faculty Performance

The aim of the faculty performance evaluation is to give prompt feedback to the faculty members on the areas of strength and the areas in which they need improvement. It also provides annual documentation of the faculty activities to help in preparing tenure and rank report, arrange goal setting and inspire faculty and departmental chairpersons to discuss methods in which the university can provide suitable resources to help faculty development.
It is a serious challenge for the management to evaluate the performance of a faculty member. Many quantitative and qualitative are reviewed leading to selected professional growth of an institute to assess the performance, such as procuring research grants, research profile, student assessment, publications, academic duties etc.

However, to appraise such information is a difficult task. Generally standard “Key Performance Indicators” (KPIs) are used to judge bare level workload of a faculty, however calculating quality always remain a challenge.
With the Cyborg-ERP Faculty Performance system, the institutes get the best performance reports of their staff which helps the senior authority to take quick decision. It can also generate a performance report of the faculties on the daily basis.

Faculty Performance

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