Timetable & Attendance

Timetable & Attendance
An institute timetable is an essential aspect to run a school efficiently. In order to run an educational institute efficiently a well-organized timetable is mandatory. It helps the teachers and students to manage their class and time at school. With a well-organized timetable the teacher does not get too many classes in a day. It also helps in reducing the stress to student and teachers which results in the better performance of teacher and students. Teachers and HOD can also focus on other extracurricular activities. There will not be an error with the timetable of having two classes at the same time for a teacher and there will not be too many classes of a subject for a student in a single day.
It is important to allocate an important subject in a certain hour of a day when the students are more focused. Putting the most important subject in that hour of timetable will help student to understand and pay more attention in those subjects